Christian Heritage at Serkawn, Lunglei

A little more than a century ago, our ancestors in Mizoram lived in the dark, worshiping “Things”. Jan 11 in 1894, two men arrived with the gospel to the state.

It was here at Serkawn that the two pioneer missionaries Rev F.W. Savidge and J.H. Lorrain settled down on their return to Mizoram as Missionaries of the BMS (Baptist Missionary Society) in 1903. They are fondly known as Sap Upa and Pu Buanga locally. They left behind a history, a story and a heritage.

To this day their former residence stay, in very good condition. They are used by BCM(Baptist Church of Mizoram) officials as quarters.

Sap Upa lived here from 1904 to 1925.

Former residence of Rev F.W. Savidge, Sap Upa, Serkawn, Lunglei, Mizoram

Former residence of Rev F.W. Savidge, Sap Upa, Serkawn, Lunglei

We even found someone we know was a current occupant of the heritage bungalow. Phylia who dad is the Associate General Secretary of BCM, a very lovely girl by the way. Shhhhh! Please don’t tell her.

We were promptly invited inside for a cup of coffee.

Inside the former residence of Sap Upa, Serkawn, Lunglei

The door leading to the backyard. The door that Sap Upa must have walked through several times.


The incumbency list of the occupants.

Incumbency list of the former quarter of Sap Upa

Behind is the former quarter of J.H. Lorrain, Pu Buanga.

Former quarter of Pu Buanga, Serkawn, Lunglei

The incumbency list of occupants taken from here.

Incumbency list of the former residence of  Rev JH Lorrain,Pu Buanga, serkawm, lunglei

The missionaries started a mission school which became Christian High School in 1961 and later evolved into the Baptist Higher Secondary School of today.

The original school building on the hill top houses the junior section. It has a sprawling courtyard, a very pleasant place to spend the evening.

Baptist Higher Secondary School, BHSS, Christian High School, Serkawn, Lunglei, Mizoram

Baptist Higher Secondary School, BHSS, Christian High School, Serkawn, Lunglei, Mizoram

A monument in memory of the Baptist missionaries.

missionary monument, serkawn, lunglei

The senior section of the school sits beside a huge tree. I attended their Advance Christmas function last year. There is a hall and multi-storey building to the right but I really like this old building.

Baptist Higher Secondary School, BHSS, Christian High School, Serkawn, Lunglei, Mizoram

Finally, a water reservoir built by the two in 1903 at a minute walk from their former bungalows. It has a system of filters by way of gravel etc.. Something I have seen demonstrated a lot at Science Exhibitions in Mizoram but never seen implemented for real use.

Zosap Tui, Water Tank built by  Sap Upa and Pu Buanga

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