Christian Heritage at Serkawn, Lunglei

A little more than a century ago, our ancestors in Mizoram lived in the dark, worshiping “Things”. Jan 11 in 1894, two men arrived with the gospel to the state.

It was here at Serkawn that the two pioneer missionaries Rev F.W. Savidge and J.H. Lorrain settled down on their return to Mizoram as Missionaries of the BMS (Baptist Missionary Society) in 1903. They are fondly known as Sap Upa and Pu Buanga locally. They left behind a history, a story and a heritage.

To this day their former residence stay, in very good condition. They are used by BCM(Baptist Church of Mizoram) officials as quarters.

Sap Upa lived here from 1904 to 1925.

Former residence of Rev F.W. Savidge, Sap Upa, Serkawn, Lunglei, Mizoram

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